Brewery cleaning, heating and cooling - challenges and solutions


Alfa Laval Tank top systems, equipped with tank cleaning machines, streamline every stage of the process, from yeast propagation and fermentation to bright beer.

When coupled with the Alfa Laval Cleaning-In-Place systems, you can optimize cleaning sequences, reducing overall energy and chemical usage in the cleaning of your brewing equipment.




  • Unreliable cleaning 
  • high energy-consumption
  • disinfecting of vessels, equipment and piping


  • Fully adjustable, modular, automatic CIP station to fit customer-specific brewery lay-out and processes
  • Best starting point for ensuring correct cleaning of equipment and vessels



  • Risk of freezing 
  • High energy consumption 
    • during transfer from fermentation to storage
    • during cooling of green beer
    • during chilling of final beer before filtration or transfer to stabilization tanks


  • Cooling based on energy efficient plate heat exchanger  
  • Minimizes risk of freezing



  • High energy consumption in production of utility steam and hot water


  • High quality brewery utility steam or hot water based on the most cost-efficient fired boilers available in the market

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