Visit us at PIPOC 2023
Meet the Alfa Laval team of palm oil experts to talk about anything palm oil. From recovering more oil at the mill, get more oil out of POME, high quality refining, to service that is tailored to your needs, Alfa Laval has all the right solutions to help you become more profitable, efficient and sustainable.
PIPOC (International Palm Oil Congress and Exhibition) stands as a premier platform for showcasing and discussing the latest innovations and technologies in the palm oil industry, offering a unique opportunity for global industry stakeholders to convene, exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and stay abreast of emerging trends. Alongside oral and poster presentations, PIPOC features an extensive exhibition where both local and international companies showcase their products and services, enabling attendees to witness innovations in action and connect with potential partners.
The event to be held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with the theme ‘Navigating Uncertainties Building Resilience’ is targeted to attract over 2,000 industry professionals with 442 participating exhibitors from local and international players.
First in palm oil processing
Alfa Laval has worked alongside palm oil producers since the earliest days of the industry. More than 50 years’ experience has gone into smart processing solutions for the entire supply chain – milling, POME management, refining and more. Our complete range helps you increase yield while meeting increasingly strict environmental and health requirements.
Our palm oil production process experts have worked closely with customers for decades, enabling us to better understand both the challenges and possibilities facing today’s mills and refineries.
Meet the Alfa Laval experts to learn more about how our solutions and service offering can help you to achieve long-term, reliable and more profitable operation.
Total solutions for palm oil processing

At a glance
Where: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Malaysia
When: 7 - 9 November 2023
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All-rounded palm oil expertise with Alfa Laval:
- A full range of palm oil milling equipment, with everything you need for your oil room and (crude palm oil) CPO washing
- Reliable palm oil refining process technologies with complete plant solutions for bleaching and deodorizing
- Advancements to improve end-product quality while simultaneously boosting capacity, limiting loss and increasing yield
- Maximized energy efficiency for greater sustainability and reduced operational costs
- Continuous separation innovation from the leading developer of centrifuge and decanter technology for over 100 years