Unique SSV DN125 and DN150
Unique Single Seat DN125 (5") and DN150 (6") valves are pneumatic seat valves in a hygienic and modular design offering a wide field of applications, for instance as a stop valve with two or three ports or as a change-over valve with three to five ports. These valves complement the Unique Single Valve family for large size installations in specific areas of your plant where size matters.
Versatile and reliable single seat valve
Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves (SSVs) are robust and reliable pneumatic seat valves that are supremely reliable and versatile.
Modularity provides cost-effective and nearly endless possibilities for purpose-built seat valves that meet high standards of hygiene. Configure the Unique SSV valve bodies, plugs and actuators to meet virtually any requirement.
Superior valve process safety
The Unique SSV range is built on a proven modular platform used on more than a million valves in service worldwide. Pressed from a single stainless steel disc, the valve body is extremely strong and durable, thus ensuring production safety. The enhanced performance of the actuator makes operation safer and more efficient.
Greater valve durability
To ensure high sealing quality, the Unique SSV range features defined compression of the O-rings with metal-to-metal contact between plug and seat. This significantly reduces wear and extends valve service life. The standard Unique SSV is supplied with a semi-maintainable actuator that has a five-year warranty.
Low total cost of ownership
Thanks to its straightforward, reliable design, the Unique SSV range provides long service life, reduced product loss, greater product safety and more processing uptime. Few moving parts reduce service requirements and inventory costs. More effective CIP procedures with reduced cleaning cycles and, subsequently, the reduced use of cleaning fluids, water and utilities also contribute to the Unique SSV’s low total cost of ownership.
Product benefits
- Cost-effective
- Nearly endless possibilities
- The valve body is extremely strong and durable
How it works
The Alfa Laval Unique SSV range consists of one, two or three valve bodies, plug, sealing, actuator and clamp ring.
Operating principle
The Alfa Laval Unique SSV is an air-operated seat valve that is remotely operated by means of compressed air. The valve generally has two working ports for air supply in and for process air supply; for changeover valves, a third port is required.
- Fully maintainable actuator
- Product wetted seals in HNBR or FPM
- Valve sensing and control devices, incl ThinkTop, ThinkTop Basic and IndiTop
- Fittings in accordance with required standard
Video servis dan pemeliharaan 360°
Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves - maintainable actuator
Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves – replace actuator bushing
Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves – product-wetted seals
Alfa Laval Unique single seat valves -replace product-wetted seals
Part of a broad valve range
Alfa Laval offers a comprehensive range of valves intended for hygienic applications in various industries including dairy, food, beverage,home care, personal care, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals:
Save water with ThinkTop
Do something good for the environment and save up to 95% in CIP liquid when cleaning your valves. Innovations like ThinkTop sensing and control units make more efficient use of resources while safeguarding process hygiene. Add ThinkTop to your valves to optimize your processes.

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Food Logic
Peralatan higienis Alfa Laval menggabungkan performa tinggi dengan penanganan yang cermat untuk mengawetkan bahan-bahan sensitif dan mengikuti tren industri makanan. Peralatan tersebut mengatasi empat tantangan utama; memasok produk makanan kepada konsumen dengan harga yang kompetitif, mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari bahan baku, mengurangi limbah dan emisi, dan menghasilkan produk makanan yang aman dan higienis.

Katalog produk
Katalog produk peralatan higienis Alfa Laval "Close at hand" berisi selebaran produk, kurva performa, tautan ke animasi, brosur, dan daftar harga untuk keperluan pemesanan.

Portal CAD
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