Package treatment plants
Package plants for biological wastewater treatment with activated sludge are a great way to achieve advanced wastewater treatment results in an economical manner. Alfa Laval package plants can be configured using a variety of processes and designed for either batch or continuous operation. This provides excellent flexibility in wastewater treatment options. Package plants of up to (approximately) 200,000 GPD for rectangular and 3 million GPD for field erected circular designs are available.
Tailored solutions for your wastewater process specifications
- Flexible configurations
- Process flexibility – Complete Mix-Activated Sludge, SBR, or MBR
- Continuous or batch process
- Process guarantees available
- Available in portable shop-fabricated rectangular, or circular field erected designs
Product Leaflet

How does the package wastewater treatment plant work
Alfa Laval AS-H Package Wastewater Treatment Plants are based on the activated sludge process that best meets the treatment objectives. They can accommodate both continuous flow and the sequencing batch reactor process. Whether it is the conventional pollutant removal or advanced treatment for biological nutrient removal (BNR) including nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal, the package plants are available with advanced effluent treatment capabilities. Each package treatment plant will be designed according to the site-specific needs.

Construction Configurations
Package plants for activated sludge are available in a variety of configurations.
- Shop fabricated or field erected
- Above or below ground
- Constructed with capacities > 1 MGPD per train
Alfa Laval’s dedicated team will work with you to select the best configuration for your needs.

Choose from a broad range of technologies
Every wastewater stream is different, and every solution has benefits and trade-offs. Alfa Laval will provide you with the information and power to select what is right for your individual situation. Plants can be supplied with MBR, SBR, Extended Aeration or Complete Mix-Activated Sludge processes.
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Solusi untuk Ekonomi Sirkular
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Reduce your environmental footprint and turn waste into value
All human, commercial and industrial activities produce waste products that are harmful to our environment unless treated. The world is therefore constantly on the look-out for ways to reduce pollution, provide clean water, use less energy and recycle energy already used. With growing populations and living standards plus water scarcity in many areas, there is also an increasing need for water reuse. See what you can gain from on-site water and waste treatment - and calculate your savings!