SB Micro Sample Port

Widely used within the brewery, food, dairy and beverage industries, the Alfa Laval SB Micro Sampling Port enables representative aseptic and microbiological samplings to be taken in small volumes from tanks and pipework.

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Aseptic sampling for microbiological control

To help ensure food and beverage safety, the sampling port features a straightforward hygienic design with minimal components makes collecting samplings mid-stream easy, convenient and accurate.

Versatile mounting

Direct mounting on the tank wall, pipe wall, or extruded pipe ends in either a horizontal position or vertically with the closing cap facing downwards makes the valve versatile and suitable for a broad range of applications and provides the flexibility needed to meet your sampling requirements

Easy to clean

Hygienic design ensures optimum hygiene for representative sampling. When the port is located on the tank wall or pipe wall, the plug end that is flush with the wall is automatically cleaned during the routine Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) cycle. To minimize the risk of contamination, it is easy to sterilize the rest of the plug with alcohol before sampling.

Product benefits

  • Simple, hygienic design
  • Superior hygiene
  • Compact size

How it works


The sampling port consists of a housing made as a socket for direct welding into the tank wall or pipework, a rubber plug which is positioned by a press screw, an o-ring, chain and a closing cap. These different types of sockets are mounted:

  • Socket, Type T, is welded into a 25-mm diameter hole in a tank wall
  • Socket, Type P, is welded onto a pipe wall and, thereafter, an 8-mm hole is drilled
  • Socket, Type PC, is available for welding onto extruded pipe ends equal to 1” as well as DN25

Operating principle

To take a sampling, simply unscrew the closing cap and insert a one-mm hypodermic needle through the rubber plug.

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Sepuluh tips unggulan - Katup

Berikut adalah beberapa video layanan dan tips untuk menunjukkan cara merawat katup higienis

Food Logic

Peralatan higienis Alfa Laval menggabungkan performa tinggi dengan penanganan yang cermat untuk mengawetkan bahan-bahan sensitif dan mengikuti tren industri makanan. Peralatan tersebut mengatasi empat tantangan utama; memasok produk makanan kepada konsumen dengan harga yang kompetitif, mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari bahan baku, mengurangi limbah dan emisi, dan menghasilkan produk makanan yang aman dan higienis.

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Katalog produk

Katalog produk peralatan higienis Alfa Laval "Close at hand" berisi selebaran produk, kurva performa, tautan ke animasi, brosur, dan daftar harga untuk keperluan pemesanan.

Close at hand 2019 - Cover image 640x360

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