Alfa Laval ALDEC G3 sludge dewatering centrifuges are the latest generation of sludge dewatering equipment for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, designed to set a significantly higher standard for both process performance and environmental impact in sludge thickening and dewatering applications.

ALDEC G3 left side

Ground-breaking decanter for sludge dewatering setting new heights for performance:

  • Lower power consumption (which also greatly reduces CO2 emissions)
  • 10% boost in processing capacity – or drier cake
  • Reductions in life cycle costs
  • More efficient bio-solids handling
  • Better process monitoring and control

The advanced range of sludge dewatering decanter centrifuges is ideal for making a significant contribution to a sustainable environment. The innovative design delivers peak performance at all times, while also reducing total power consumption by as much as up to 40%. This significant improvement results in big reductions in CO2 emissions.



Sludge dewatering centrifuge - a set of innovative parameters

Alfa Laval's unparalleled sludge dewatering equipment has paved the way for a series of groundbreaking innovations, all based on proven technology renowned for its reliability. Together, these features ensure a unique combination of superior performance and lower energy consumption, resulting in reduced operating costs and benefits for the environment.

The Aldec G3 sludge dewatering decanter is built around the Slimline design – a breakthrough in decanter centrifuge performance and capabilities. The smaller conveyor diameter creates more space for liquid in the pond and allows for higher bowl wall pressures, resulting in either a drier cake or reduced polymer usage.

Patented Alfa Laval Power Plates effectively reduce the power consumption of Aldec G3 decanter centrifuges, making a big contribution to cost savings in sludge dewatering.

Each Aldec G3 sludge dewatering decanter is equipped with a PLUS control package as standard, pre-installed and tested with each specific unit. The combination of PLUS controls with the Aldec G3 sludge dewatering centrifuge ensures optimal performance while keeping installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance costs to a minimum.

Sludge dewatering centrifuge - feature highlights

  • Power plates/tubes and slimline conveyor design
  • Critical components made of wear-resistant material
  • Fully open feed zone for improved separation 360° solids discharge to avoid blocking
  • Baffle disc provides higher capacity and drier cake solids
  • Steep or shallow cone configuration for effective separation of any type of slurry
  • Selection of conveyor designs available for use with different types of slurry
  • Different forms of wear protection for conveyor flights, to suit any processing requirements
  • Complete, fully enclosed cleaning-in-place (CIP)

How does the sludge dewatering equipment work?

How does the sludge dewatering equipment work?

Separation takes place in a horizontal cylindrical bowl equipped with a screw conveyor. The feed enters the bowl through a stationary inlet tube and is accelerated smoothly by an inlet distributor. The centrifugal force that results from the rotation then causes sedimentation of the solids on the wall of the bowl.  

The conveyor rotates in the same direction as the bowl, but slightly slower, thus moving the solids towards the conical end of the bowl. The cake leaves the bowl through the solids discharge openings into the casing. Separation takes place throughout the entire length of the cylindrical part of the bowl, and the clarified liquid leaves the bowl by flowing over power tubes into the casing. 


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Taking your ALDEC G3 decanter to the next level

Consider upgrading with an ALDEC G3 VecFlow™ conveyor

Vecflow sludge decanter centrifuge

Audit kinerja untuk Decanter Centrifuge

Dapatkan pengoptimalan decanter centrifuge dan penghematan biaya selama proses pengentalan dan pengeringan endapan dengan Audit Kinerja Alfa Laval karena pakar layanan dan dukungan global kami membantu memaksimalkan peralatan Anda.

Minimalkan biaya operasional dengan Layanan IoT Alfa Laval

Layanan IoT Alfa Laval adalah rangkaian layanan digital yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional dan memaksimalkan keandalan operasional di pabrik air limbah.

IoT Services

Accelerating sustainable solutions

Imagine a more sustainable world. A world in which less is needed to produce even more. A world in which we efficiently meet our growing energy needs and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions. Imagine a world where we can harness the power of natural resources while preserving them. At Alfa Laval, we don't just imagine this world. We build it together with our customers and our partners.

Accelerating sustainable solutions-vignette640x360

Ada yang bisa kami bantu?

With industry-leading wastewater technology and expertise based on the experience from thousands of installations, we can help analyse your unique situation and select the optimal equipment model, configuration and services for your needs and budget.

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Semakin banyak instalasi pengolahan air limbah menemukan manfaat dari pendekatan sirkular dan holistik untuk pengolahan air limbah. Penghematan biaya, pengurangan dampak lingkungan, dan aliran pendapatan baru dari sumber daya yang dipulihkan hanyalah sebagian. Setiap instalasi pengolahan air limbah unik dan memiliki tantangan dan peluangnya masing-masing. Dengan keahlian kami dalam memproses dan berbagai produk, kami dapat mendukung peralihan Anda ke aliran sumber daya sirkular. Terlepas dari apakah Anda kontraktor, perancang, operator pabrik, kami dapat membantu Anda menemukan solusi optimal untuk proyek spesifik Anda.

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