Alfa Laval Aldec decanter centrifuges are designed for the sludge thickening and dewatering process in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, with a focus on cost-efficiency, reliability, easy operation and sustainability.
Sludge decanter centrifuge design provides a series of concrete benefits
- Reduces sludge volume during the sludge thickening and dewatering process, which cuts down on transport and disposal costs
- High capacity at small footprint: Compact, modular design saves space
- High performance combined with low energy consumption
- Wear-resistant design with anti-blocking feature.
- Complete, fully enclosed cleaning-in-place (CIP)
The extensive range of Aldec centrifuges for sludge thickening and dewatering are capable of handling a wide range of flow rates. They are designed to be efficient, simple to install, easy to maintain and straightforward to operate. Installation, operating and service life costs are minimal.

Sludge thickening and dewatering - Less water, lower cost
Cost-effective sludge thickening centrifuges are crucial for removing the water content from sludge in wastewater, as well as from industrial waste streams. The drier the sludge, the less space it takes up and the less it weighs – both resulting in big savings on transport and disposal costs, while helping to meet environmental requirements.
How does sludge thickening and dewatering work?
How do two-phase decanters work?
Learn how to improve efficiency in sludge thickening and dewatering
Separation of sludge in wastewater occurs in a horizontal cylindrical bowl with a slimline screw conveyor. The feed enters through a stationary inlet tube and is smoothly accelerated by an inlet distributor in the feed zone. Centrifugal force causes solids to sediment on the bowl wall. The conveyor, rotating slightly slower than the bowl, moves solids to the conical end. The cake exits through discharge openings into the casing. Separation takes place along the entire cylindrical bowl, and the clarified liquid exits through adjustable outlet tubes.
Your trusted service partner for wastewater treatment solutions
Our dedicated Global Service Network supports you with parts and expertise, wherever you are, whenever you need it. By ensuring greater uptime, availability and optimization, we help bring you peace of mind, and maximize your return on investment. We can work with you to integrate our services into an Alfa Laval Service Agreement for predictable and worry-free operations.
Learn more about our product-related services:
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami.
Audit kinerja untuk Decanter Centrifuge
Dapatkan pengoptimalan decanter centrifuge dan penghematan biaya selama proses pengentalan dan pengeringan endapan dengan Audit Kinerja Alfa Laval karena pakar layanan dan dukungan global kami membantu memaksimalkan peralatan Anda.
Minimalkan biaya operasional dengan Layanan IoT Alfa Laval
Layanan IoT Alfa Laval adalah rangkaian layanan digital yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi biaya operasional dan memaksimalkan keandalan operasional di pabrik air limbah.

Aldec G3
Aldec decanter centrifuges are available with capacities ranging from 2 to 95 m3/h. For higher capacity and more advanced requirements, Aldec G3 is your ideal solution.

Accelerating sustainable solutions
Imagine a more sustainable world. A world in which less is needed to produce even more. A world in which we efficiently meet our growing energy needs and at the same time reduce CO2 emissions. Imagine a world where we can harness the power of natural resources while preserving them. At Alfa Laval, we don't just imagine this world. We build it together with our customers and our partners.

Solusi untuk Ekonomi Sirkular
Semakin banyak instalasi pengolahan air limbah menemukan manfaat dari pendekatan sirkular dan holistik untuk pengolahan air limbah. Penghematan biaya, pengurangan dampak lingkungan, dan aliran pendapatan baru dari sumber daya yang dipulihkan hanyalah sebagian. Setiap instalasi pengolahan air limbah unik dan memiliki tantangan dan peluangnya masing-masing. Dengan keahlian kami dalam memproses dan berbagai produk, kami dapat mendukung peralihan Anda ke aliran sumber daya sirkular. Terlepas dari apakah Anda kontraktor, perancang, operator pabrik, kami dapat membantu Anda menemukan solusi optimal untuk proyek spesifik Anda.

Ada yang bisa kami bantu?
With industry-leading wastewater technology and expertise based on the experience from thousands of installations, we can help analyse your unique situation and select the optimal equipment model, configuration and services for your needs and budget.